Cleaning the stainless steel inside the bath

Regular cleaning using the correct method will increase the life of the steel and reduce the risk of rust.


Failing to clean stainless steel can lead to a deterioration of the surface and can sometimes, quite needlessly result in corrosion.

There are 3 factors that contribute to the rust and deterioration of the steel.

  • Using harsh abrasive pads damaging the surface of the steel
  • The use of highly acidic or highly alkaline cleaning agents
  • Contact with chlorine or a pool or marine environment

Maintenance Protocol


Daily Wipe the steel above the water line and down into the water line with a clean damp microfibre cloth
Weekly Clean any surface deposits or discolouration to the steel above the water line using either bicarbonate of soda or a neutral pH cleaner such as diluted washing up liquid on a microfibre cloth
3 Monthly Drain and refill the bath with fresh water every 6 months and whilst the bath is empty, clean the bath with either bicarbonate of soda or a neutral pH cleaner such as diluted washing up liquid.  Rinse the sides and base and wipe dry with a clean microfibre cloth


Do not use chlorine or bromine - this will corrode the steel.


We do not recommend the use of off the shelf cleaning products marketed as stainless steel cleaners - which are often designed for kitchen environments and can be too acidic.  The environment of The Ice Bath is quite different and requires regular, neutral pH cleaning.


If in any doubt please contact us for advice at