HOME Barrel & Chiller: Regular care

A clean Monkey is a happy Monkey. To keep you and your barrel and chiller healthy, they require some regular care

Water in the barrel constantly circulates through a dual stage filtration system in the chiller, consisting of a particle filter and a UV filter. The particle filter's job is to keep the water clear and the UV is able to remove most pathogens. Without regular care debris & bacteria will build, flow will reduce, degrading the performance of the chiller and could cause damage to components like the pump or heat exchanger.

Regular care required:

Frequency Action
Weekly Wipe down 
Every 2 weeks Check the coarse filter and rinse
Every 4 weeks Replace the particle filter
Every 3 months Replace the water
Every 6 months Replace the bulb in the UV filter
Every 6 months System flush
The frequency at which you will need to change the particle filter and the water depends on usage (no of dips per day) and how much bacteria and debris is taken into the bath (e.g. sweat or dirty feet). Increase frequencies if necessary. If water ever becomes very dirty or you see biofilm build-up in the barrel, system flush and replace water.
Top Tip: Taking a quick shower and wiping your feet before dipping will help keep your water cleaner


Wipe down

  • Using a clean cloth, wipe down the barrel lid and chiller, ensuring the chiller is fully clear of any debris (like falling leaves). This ensures the water can circulate smoothly, and the chiller doesn’t overheat.
  • Using a clean cloth (or wet vac), reach into the water and catch any debris sat over the suction hole.
  • Wipe down the underside of the lid to avoid mould spores forming.

Replace the particle filter

The particle filter removes sediment & microscopic debris. Frequently changing this filter every 4 weeks is key to keeping your Brass Monkey in good working order.


Replacements can be purchased here.

Replace the water

While the particle filter and UV filter work hard to keep your water clean, a full water change is recommended every 3 months. 

1. Isolate the power supply to the chiller by turning off the power at the plug, before emptying the water.

2. Drain your barrel using a submersible or puddle pump, or connect a hose pipe to the bottom tap and replace 75% of the water.

3. Use a wet vac, or clean mop/cloth, to catch and remove any debris from the bottom of the barrel. This is also a good time to replace the particle filter.

4. To refill: Connect a hose pipe to the connector to the suction hole (top one) inside the barrel. Connect a hose and turn the water on, this will prime the chiller pushing water through the system (and air out).

5. Your barrel will start to fill up through through the return flow hole. Fill the barrel until 20cm below the top of the barrel.

6. Reconnect the power

Replace the bulb in the UV filter

For optimal removal of viruses and bacteria from the water, we recommend replacing this bulb every 6 months.  

Replacements can be purchased here.

System flush

Every 6 months we recommend a full system flush to remove the build up of bio film and bacteria from the system. 

Using an internal system flush (we recommend a product like Lo-Chlor) follow the cleaning product manufacturer’s instructions to flush out the whole system. 

This typically involves: 

  • Removing the particle filter
  • Dropping chemical cleaning fluid into the bath (see manufacturer's guidance for dosage)
  • Leave for an hour or two.
  • Fully drain the bath and refill with clean fresh water. 

Please note. Always follow the cleaning product manufacturer’s instructions 

Going on holiday


If you plan to be away for a few weeks, you can simply adjust the barrel temperature to 10 degrees to minimise energy consumption during your absence.

For extended periods, we recommend the following steps:

  • Power off
  • Drain the barrel and chiller leaving water up to the level of the step - this is essential to avoid the barrel drying out and cracking
  • Add a small dose of residual cleaner such as Huwa San
  • Remove the particle filter from the chiller
  • Leave the lid on
  • Upon return, run a system flush to remove bacteria that will have built up in the pipes