PRO Barrel: Maintenance light sequences

The maintenance light is found next to the control panel and can be used to show the following functions of the chiller.


Standard Operating status


Normal operating

Chiller & pump on, cooling or idle to hit target temp.


User session active

Chiller and pump idle for 20 mins (longer if set in schedule on the app).



1 flash - 1 sec gap - 1 flash


Maintenance mode

Chiller and pump idle for changing

of the particle filter. Stays in this mode until users ends this mode on the control panel.


Issue Status


1 flash - 5 sec gap - 1 flash


No flow

Water is unable to flow through your chiller.


3 flashes - 5 sec gap - 3 flashes


Frost protection

The water flowing through your barrel is approaching freezing. Take action to protect your chiller.


5 flashes - 5 sec gap - 5 flashes



Your chiller is overheating. Take action to help it cool down.


10 flashes - 5 sec gap - 10 flashes


Lock out

Your chiller has ‘locked-out’ to protect itself.


Chiller protection actions

No Flow

Power down and check for any blockages inside the barrel and change the filter.

Follow restart instructions when powering back up.

If no flow occurs during freezing temperatures, follow action below.

Frost protection

It’s time to disconnect, drain and cover your chiller when you see a

‘Frost protection’ alert.

• Turn the power off, disconnect from barrel and drain the chiller.

• Reconnect when the ambient temperature is back up above 2 degrees.

• Follow restart instructions when powering back up.


If your chiller overheats the cooling function will turn off to protect itself. The fan and pump will stay on.

This may be caused by a lack of airflow to the chiller bench or extreme ambient

temperatures when the chiller is unable to shed heat.

• Check there is nothing blocking the ventilation.

• If in direct sunlight, try creating some shade.

Lock out

If your chiller develops a problem or is in Overheat or No flow modes for more

than 6 hours, it will ‘lock-out’ to protect itself.

If this happens you need to power the chiller down and contact Brass Monkey Support.