Cleaning a reusable filer

Some filters can be reused is washed and dried

The pleated filter we now supply with 2.5 ice baths can be reused if cleaned. However please note a reused filter is likely to need changing more often, and won't last forever. It will need disposing of when dirt has become embedded in the filter.

All our recommended frequencies for changing filters are based using new filters. If you choose to reuse your filters, use your judgment and check them weekly. Poor filtration can affect the performance of your bath and clarity of the water. 


If reusing a pleated filter, follow these simple steps:

  • Rinse away any visible scum under a tap
  • Soak in a chlorine solution (such as Lo-Chlor).
  • Rinse again and leave to dry
  • When drying, ensure the filter is fully dry and has regained it's shape before using in your bath