Identify your bath version

As our product evolves, so does some of the setup and maintenance instructions. Start by understanding which version your bath is.

The below describes our residential bath products (inc Bath, Plunge & Plunge XL sizes) 

Version 2.5 (Latest version)

v2.5 is our latest product spec that we've been shipping to customers since December 2023 to today. If you've recently bought a Brass Monkey bath for your home, you'll have this version. 

Setup Guide    |    Cleaning & Maintenance 

Key ways to identify:

  • QR CODE in the compartment area showing your bath ID no.
  • A particle filter that looks like this: 

Locate filter-png

Version 2.0 

This version of product we shipped between September 2022 and December 2023.

Setup Guide    |    Cleaning & Maintenance 

Key ways to identify:

  • QR CODE in the compartment area showing your bath ID no.
  • A particle filter that looks like this: 


Version 1.0 

Any bath shipped before September 2022 was our original spec. These baths do not have a QR code and do not have the technology to connect to wifi. 

If you require guidance for this early version of our baths, please contact our support team directly, or refer to your original user guide that came with your bath. 


Get the app

The best way to setup your Brass Monkey is with our companion app. This is your Brass Monkey’s best friend. Once paired to the app and connected to your wifi, your bath gets even smarter:

  • Control your bath from anywhere
  • Set a schedule for convenience and energy efficiency
  • Receive automated software updates
  • Get enhanced remote support

Not got a smartphone?

If you don't have a smartphone, don't worry! You can refer to the User Guide that was included with your bath or follow the step-by-step instructions on this Knowledge Base.